• Welcome to Don Bosco School, Nadiya
    WEST BENGAL‐ 741245

  • (+91-332-5898-764)


  • dbskalyani@gmail.com


John Bosco
St. John Bosco

John Bosco was born in the little hamlet of Becchi some twenty kilometers from Turin, Italy.

Rector Major
Rector Major

March 25, 2014, he was elected by the General Chapter 27 as the new Rector Major of the Salesian Congregation and the 10th Successor of Don Bosco.


Don Bosco school, Kalyani is part of Don Bosco family which is present in 131 countries in the world.


I warmly welcome all of you to our enriching website of Don Bosco School, Kalyani. I am sure this new website will serve as an essential interactive tool for all of you to acquaint yourselves with the larger and extended family of Don Bosco.

Don Bosco School - Kalyani

Don Bosco School, Kalyani, Nadia Dist., West Bengal, founded in 2017, a Co-Education English Medium School, is established, maintained and administered by the Salesians of Don Bosco. It is a minority institution belonging to the Catholic Church. Preference is given to Christian students, provision is also made for students from all other religions.

Don Bosco School Kalyani is a Catholic School based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly”. Today there are about 54,937 educational institutions in India owned and administered by the Catholic Church catering to 2,19,48,600 students and 2,96,850 teaching staff. The aim of a Catholic Educational Institution is to form the young into persons of Character, competence, conscience, compassion and commitment, who will promote a culture of collaboration and cooperation for the growth of all, by fostering uprightness in public life.

Aim of the Institution
Don Bosco School Kalyani is a Catholic School based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, “I came that the may have life and have it abundantly”.
Value based Education

To instill values in children from a young age onwards Don Bosco School of Excellence will be laying a lot of emphasis on Value based education among students.

Preventive System

Don Bosco chose Preventive System of education (contrary to repressive techniques of controls and punishments) – preventive aspects being protection from any physical or moral harm through education, and preventing young people from bad influences.

Christan Minority Body

Although the school is meant for the Christian students, the provision is made for the admission of non-Christian students. Lessons on moral principles and conduct will be given to students, irrespective of caste or creed.

Moral Science and Value Education

To instill values in children from a young age onwards Don Bosco School of Excellence will be laying a lot of emphasis on Value based education among students.


No act of indiscipline, insubordination, interference in the administration, disrespect to any teacher, disrespect to any religion or community by any student shall be tolerated and those found guilty may even be expelled from the school.


To instill values in children from a young age onwards Don Bosco School of Excellence will be layi

Teaching Your Child Some Good Manners

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelia. It iA small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

Our Co-Curricular Activities

Separated they live in. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelia. It is a paradisematic country
Art Lesson
Sports Lesson


The immediate objectives are education understood in its larger context:


Values to live a life guided by faith in God Almighty


Respect for the person with a strong sense of justice.


Live in an atmosphere of discipline where learning and intellectual maturity take place


Act in the promotion of study, enquiry and research leading to a specific and recognized examination.

Our Teachers - Loving & Caring

Salesian Preventive System is the educative method developed by the Salesians upon the pedagogical experience of Saint John Bosco with poor youngsters in 19th century Turin. It is based on three pillars: reason, religion, and loving-kindness.